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KSR KUEBLER Niveau-Messtechnik AG
- Part of the WIKA Group
Klingenberg, January 2015.
KSR KUEBLER Niveau-Messtechnik AG, based in Zwingenberg, has been part of the WIKA Group since 2008. Since 2013, customers have been served by the WIKA field service and, in accordance with the motto “one face to the customer”, with the start of 2015 will also be administered by the internal office support at the WIKA headquarters in Klingenberg.
All offers, order confirmations and invoices will come, in the future, from WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co KG. From now on, through this centralisation, you have the possibility to purchase all products from the WIKA Group from a single source. Staying faithful to the WIKA lean philosophy, the deliveries will still, of course, be made from the respective production sites in order to avoid additional logistics interfaces.
Our sales team is available at any time for further information. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to a continued pleasant and successful co-operation.
Kind regards
p.p. Udo Haydn
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
Director, Sales Germany