Calibration laboratory

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DAkkS accreditation no. D-K-15105-01-00

The WIKA calibration laboratory is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle - DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 for the measurement parameters temperature, pressure, DC current, DC voltage and DC resistance.

Calibration laboratory for temperature

In our calibration laboratory for temperature we calibrate measuring instruments in the measuring range from -196 °C … +1,200 °C with accuracies of 2 mK … 1.5 K, depending on the temperature and procedure. Our calibration laboratory is equipped with the widest range of standard resistance thermometers, thermocouples, temperature fixed reference points, calibration baths and a tube furnace. For each calibration task the most suitable instrument is available.

Calibration laboratory for pressure

In our calibration laboratory for pressure we calibrate measuring instruments in the measuring range from -1 bar … +8,000 bar with accuracies of 0.003 % … 0.01 % of reading, depending on the pressure range. For the calibration, in our calibration laboratory, we only ever use high-accuracy references such as dead-weight testers and pressure controllers. The equipment level in our calibration laboratory is completed with the latest WIKA-Cal calibration software.

calibration laboratory current, voltage, resistance

Calibration laboratory for current, voltage and resistance

In our calibration laboratory for electrical measurement parameters we calibrate DC current in the measuring range from 0 mA … 100 mA, DC voltage from 0 V … 100 V and DC resistance from 0 Ω … 10 kΩ. For DKD/DAkkS calibration we use high-precision process calibrators.

mobile calibration laboratory

Mobile calibration laboratory

In our mobile calibration laboratory too, we can carry out DKD/DAkkS calibrations for pressure and factory calibrations for temperature. Each of the three calibration vans is equipped with a calibration and repair work station, an adjustment rig and also a PC work station with printer, so that certificates can be produced directly on-site.

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