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Solutions for pressure, temperature, force and level measurement, flow measurement, calibration and SF6 gas solutions from WIKA are an integral component of our customers' business processes.
This is why we consider ourselves to be not just suppliers of measurement components but rather more a competent partner that offers comprehensive solutions in close co-operation with our customers – customised and precisely designed products for the exact requirement.
Commerzbank AG AschaffenburgBLZ: 795 400 49Kto: 104 117 700BIC: COBA DE FF 795IBAN: DE57 7954 0049 0104 1177 00Sparkasse Miltenberg-ObernburgBLZ: 796 500 00Kto: 430 106 294BIC: BYLA DE M1 MILIBAN: DE44 7965 0000 0430 1062 94