What are gas handling instruments?
Gas handling instruments can, to a certain degree, filter particles and moisture out of the gas. If the gas returns to specification after the drying and filtering process, the gas can be returned to the system. Otherwise, the gas compartment must be emptied and refilled with new, pure SF6 gas.
How does a gas analysis work?
The gas analysis instrument is connected to the gas compartment using special connecting hoses and the measurement is started. The instrument then removes a small amount of gas and allows it to flow through the sensors into the internal tank. After a short time, the first values appear on the display. When the measurement is complete, the gas can be returned or pumped to another reservoir. The closed circuit avoids the escape of the SF6 greenhouse gas.
How long does a gas analysis measurement take?
On average, the measuring time is 7.5 minutes. After about two minutes, the first measurement results are shown on the display. The measuring time of the gas analysis can be reduced by the user. If the values are already outside the limits, the measurement can be stopped at any time.
What should be considered when reducing the measuring time?
When the measuring time is reduced, the factory settings are also changed at the same time. Depending on the selected configuration of your model, this may result in the particularly sensitive sensors measuring outside the specifications given in the data sheet.