High Accuracy Pressure Transducer

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High Accuracy Pressure Transducers at Mensor

Mensor manufactures high accuracy pressure transducers in several varieties. There are stand alone high accuracy pressure transducers (seen below) and specially designed high accuracy pressure transducers used in Mensor's pressure controlling calibrators and indicators. High accuracy barometric pressure transducers are also used independently or in Mensor controllers and indicators.  Transducers with pressure ranges from 0-10 inches of water up to 15,000 psi are manufactured at Mensor in absolute, gauge, and bidirectional pressure types.  Stand alone high accuracy pressure transducers come with RS232, RS485, and/or analog voltage outputs of 0-1, 0-5 or 0-10 VDC. Accuracy of 0.01% IS-50 (0.01% of reading down to 50% of FS and 0.005% of FS below 50%) is typical. They are all temperature compensated over a wide range, typically 15 to 45 deg. C.

High Accuracy Pressure Transducer Selection

Find the appropriate high accuracy pressure transducer below, or we will be happy to advise you in your selection and can discuss individual solutions.

Custom High Accuracy Pressure Transducer Packages

In addition to the standard selection of transducers seen below, Mensor can also supply custom configured banks of transducers in calibration test carts, racks or benches to fulfill a specific need for flexibility in pressure range and temperature compensation. custom systems can contain a variety of components including manifolds, switching valves, controlling software, tubing, pressure controllers, indicators,  digital multi meters and any customer specified ancillary equipment necessary.

CPT9000 Premium Pressure Transducer - Applications

The CPT9000 Premium Pressure Transducer is our newest addition to Mensor's Transducer line. It is specifically designed for applications requiring a high accuracy (0.008% IS-33, a percent of reading specification down to 33% of the full scale range), long term calibration stability and a wide temperature compensated range. In addition the CPT9000 has CE certification and available ranges from 10 in H2O up to 15,000 psi.  RS-232 and RS485 communication provides a common digital communication interface

CPT9000 Applications:

  1. Testing technology
  2. Calibration technology
  3. Geoscience / hydrology
  4. High accuracy pressure sensing in original equipment manufacturing (OEMs)
  5. Aerospace / Military

CPT6140 High Speed Pressure Transducer - Applications

The CPT6140 High Speed Pressure Transducer is a high accuracy pressure transducer specifically designed for applications requiring a continuous high speed pressure output. This is accomplished with a streaming output over the RS485 connection at 250 Hz via IEEE-754. The CPT6140 can be purchased with range from 0-1 psig to -15 - 6000 psig, or 0-7.5 psia to 0-6015 psia. Accuracy of each reading is 0.025% IS-50. Temperature compensated from 15 to 45 deg. C

    CPT6140 Applications:

    1. Testing technology
    2. Calibration technology
    3. Laboratories and maintenance shops
    4. Leak and burst applications
    5. Wind tunnels
    6. Level monitoring

    CPT6100 and CPT6180 Precision Pressure Transducer - Applications

    The CPT6100 and 6180 Precision Pressure Transducers are general purpose high accuracy pressure transducer designed to deliver accurate pressure measurement via RS-232 or RS-485, in a query/response mode. The CPT6100 can be purchased with range from 0-0.36 psig to -15 - 6000 psig, or 0-7.5 psia to 0-6015 psia. CPT6100 accuracy is 0.01% FS or 0.03% FS depending on the range.  The CPT6180 can be purchased with a range from 0-15 psig to -15 - 6000 psig, or 0-15 psia to 0-6015 psia. CPT6180 accuracy is 0.01% IS-50. Temperature compensated from 15 to 45 deg. C

    CPT6100 and CPT6180 Applications:

    1. OEM / Test Bench
    2. Testing technology
    3. Calibration technology
    4. Laboratories and maintenance shops
    5. Aviation

    CPT6010 Digital Pressure Transducer - Applications

    The CPT6010 Digital Pressure Transducer is a high accuracy pressure transducer designed with a rugged 303 SS tubular housing. It has an RS232 or RS485 output with ranges from 0-5 psig to 0-6000 psig and 0-7.5 psia to 0-600 psia. Accuracy is 0.02% FS. Temperature compensated from 15 to 45 deg. C

    CPT6010 Applications:

    1. High accuracy pressure transducers for transfer standard
    2. Pressure standard in test & calibration stands
    3. Wind tunnels
    4. Hydrology, Oceanography
    5. Aerospace, Metrology

    CPT6020 Precision Pressure transducer Basic version- Applications

    The CPT6020 is a high accuracy pressure transducer designed with a rugged 316 SS compact housing. It has an RS232 or RS485 output with ranges from 0-10 in H2O to 0-1500 psig and 0-5 psia to 0-15,015 psia. Accuracy is 0.02% FS. Temperature compensated from 0 to 50 deg. C.

    CPT6020 Applications:

    1. OEM Applications
    2. High accuracy pressure transducers for transfer standard
    3. Pressure standard in test & calibration stands
    4. Wind tunnels
    5. Hydrology, Oceanography
    6. Aerospace, Metrology

    Precision Barometric Pressure Transducer - Applications

    Barometric high accuracy pressure transducers are available in every Mensor product including the CPT6140, CPT6100, CPT6180, and CPT6010. The typical barometric range is 8 to 17 psia and has a percent of reading (%R) accuracy that corresponds to the native accuracy of the chosen sensor. Temperature compensated from 15 to 45 deg. C

    Barometric Pressure Transducer Applications:   

    1. High accuracy barometric pressure transducer
    2. Internal precision pressure transducers in OEM devices
    3. Barometric pressure standard in test & calibration stands
    4. Laboratory barometric standard
    5. Weather stations

    Learn more about pressure transducers