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The instrument drivers below provide a set of Virtual Instruments (VIs), which are basic subroutines used to communicate with each indicated Mensor instrument using National Instrument LabVIEW®. Each VI corresponds to a programmatic operation such as configuring, reading from, writing to, and triggering functions in an instrument. These drivers will simplify instrument control and reduce program development time. The associated Mensor instruments as well as the communication protocol (VISA, GPIB, Ethernet or Serial) are indicated in each driver package below. Download the package by hovering over the "Zip" button, then click the "Zip" text.
CPT9000 Precision Pressure Transducer, CPT6020 Digital Pressure Transducer
CPD8500 Digital Deadweight Tester
CPC8000 High-End Pressure Controller, CPC8000-H Hydraulic Pressure Controller
CPG2400 Digital Pressure Gauge
CPG2500 Digital Pressure Gauge
CPT6100 & CPT6180 Precision Pressure Sensor, CPT6140 High-Speed Pressure Sensor
CPC3000 High-Speed Pneumatic Pressure Controller
CPC6050 Pressure Controller, CPC6000 Pressure Controller
PCS400 Pressure Calibration System