How do I start the process of designing a Mensor Custom System?
The first step is to
contact your local sales representative or call Mensor directly at 512-396-4200. A sales person can determine if a standard product will meet your needs or if a custom system is required. If a custom system is required the sales person will initiate contact between you and the Mensor Custom Solutions department. An Engineer in the Custom Solutions department will consult with you and design or assist in the design of a system that will meet your specific needs.
What is a coalescing filter
A Coalescing Filter separates two ‘phases’, for example the removal of water aerosols and droplets from a gas. Coalescing filter housings have three ports, the inlet (wet gas with aerosols and droplets), the outlet (gas) and the drain (liquid). Coalescing filter elements installed in a housing separate the liquid from the gas. The liquid drains to the bottom of the housing and can be manually or automatically eliminated from the housing via the drain connection and valve. A gas free of aerosol and droplets exits the outlet port. Coalescing filters also will remove solid particles but are specifically designed for removing liquids, regular particle filters will not behave the same way.
What is a Custom System?
A custom System is a rack mounted, cart mounted, bench mounted, or any other conceivable configuration of components, that is designed by the customer or designed in collaboration with the Mensor Custom Solutions department, to satisfy a specific need that can only be met by incorporating multiple integrated components. Systems may consist of (but are not limited to): pressure controllers, digital volt meters, manifolds, power supplies, pressure volumes, power distribute components, point of use pressure and temperature transmitters and computers. in addition custom or standardized software can be incorporated to communicate system parameters, collect data, print reports and control the integration of components.
What is a liquid separator?
A liquid separator uses gravity and a pressure vessel to separate gas from liquid contamination. Gas contaminated with liquid passes into the volume through a tube. liquid contamination drops to the bottom of the volume and gas travels out through an outlet located at the top of the volume. The volume must be drained occasionally to prevent the liquid from reaching the outlet.