Privacy statement for the processing of personal data and cookie policy

Euromisure Sas di WIKA Italia Srl, with registered office in via G. Borghisani, 4 - 26035 Pieve San Giacomo (CR), VAT no. 06368680960, as data controller (hereinafter, “data controller”), informs you pursuant the EU regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”) that your personal data shall be processed according to the following modalities and for the following purposes:

1. Scope of data processing
The data controller processes the identifying and non-sensitive personal data (in particular, name, surname, email address, phone number, IP address, etc.) (hereinafter “data” or “personal data”) communicated by you while browsing on the website of the data controller (hereinafter “site”) and/or in case of forwarding an online contact request to the data controller.

2. Purposes and legal basis of data processing
Your personal data are processed for the following purposes and legal basis without your prior consent for contractual purposes and, in particular, for:

  • the execution of the contract and/or the fulfilment of pre-contractual obligations:
    - manage and maintain the site;
    - handle a contact request from you;
  • the pursuing of a legitimate interest by the data controller:
    - prevent or detect fraudulent activities or harmful abuses to the site;
    - exercise the rights of the data controller, such as the right of defense in court.
  • the fulfilment of legal obligations:
    compliance with the obligations provided for by laws, regulations, european regulations, orders and prescriptions of the competent authorities.

3. Modalities of data processing
The processing of your data is carried out in both paper and electronic modalities, by means of data collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, elaboration, amendment, selection, retrieval, confrontation, use, interconnection, blockage, communication, erasure and destruction operations.

4. Storage of data
The data controller shall process the personal data for the time that is necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes and, anyway, for contractual purposes for a period not exceeding 10 years after collection.

5. Data provision
The provision of data for the contractual purposes is mandatory and any refusal to provide such data may entail the impossibility to comply with your requests.

6. Access to data
Your data may be made accessible for the purposes mentioned above to:

  • employees and/or collaborators of the data controller, as persons in charge of the processing and/or internal data processors and/or system administrators;
  • companies of the WIKA group or third parties (e.g., IT service providers, suppliers, credit institutes, professional firms, etc.) carrying out outsourcing activities on behalf of the data controller and processing data as external data processors.

7. Data communication
Your data may be communicated, even without your prior consent, upon their request, to control bodies, police or judiciary authorities that will process them in their quality of independent data controllers for institutional purposes and/or pursuant to the law during investigations and controls. Moreover, your data may be communicated to third parties (for example, partners, independent contractors, agents, etc.) that will process them as independent data controllers to carry out activities that are instrumental to the above purposes.

8. Data transfer
Your data will not be disclosed or transferred to extra-EU countries.

9. Data subjects’ rights
The data controller informs you that you, as data subject, where the limitations provided by law are not applicable, have the right to:

  • obtain confirmation over the existence or inexistence of personal data relating to you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in a comprehensible way;
  • obtain the indication and, if necessary, the copy of the: a) source and category of the personal data; b) logic applied in case the processing is performed by means of electronic instruments; c) purposes and modalities of the processing; d) identification references of the data controller and the data processors; e) subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who may come to know, in particular if recipients are extra-EU countries or international organizations; f) period for which the personal data will be stored, or if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; g) existence of an automated decision-making process and, in this case, information about the logic involved, the significance and consequences for the data subject; h) existence of adequate safeguards in case of transfer of personal data to an extra-EU country or international organization;
  • obtain, without undue delay, the update, the rectification or, whether you are interested, the integration of incomplete data;
  • obtain the erasure, the transformation into anonymous form or blocking of the data: a) processed in breach of the law; b) no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data have been collected or subsequently processed; c) if you withdraw consent on which the processing is based and  there is no other legal ground for the processing; d) if you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; e) in compliance with a legal obligation; f) referred to children. The data controller may refuse to erase them when the processing is necessary: a) to exercise the right of freedom of expression and information; b) in compliance with a legal obligation, for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority; c) for reasons of public interest; d) to achieve purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes; e) for making legal claims;
  • obtain the restriction of processing when: a) the accuracy of the personal data is contested; b) the processing is unlawful and the data controller opposes the erasure of the personal data; c) Data are required by you for exercising your right in court; d) pending verification whether the legitimate reasons of the data controller override those of the data subject;
  • receive, if the processing is carried out by automatic means, the personal data concerning you without hindrance and in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in order to transmit those data to another controller or – if technically possible - to obtain the direct transmission by the data controller to another controller;
  • oppose, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, related to your particular situation, the processing of personal data concerning you; b) the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, by means of automated calling systems without the intervention of an operator by email and/or by traditional marketing methods by telephone and/or paper mail;
  • submit a data protection complaint to the competent supervisory authority.

In the cases mentioned above, if necessary, the data controller will inform the third parties to whom your personal data are disclosed of any exercise of your rights, except in specific cases (e.g. when this proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort).

10. Modalities of exercise of rights
You may exercise these rights at any time:

  • by sending a certified email to:
  • by sending an email to:
  • by sending a registered mail with return receipt to the address of the data controller;
  • by calling the number 0372.6404

11. Data controller, data processor and persons in charge of the data processing
The data controller is Euromisure Sas di WIKA Italia Srl.

The updated list of the data processors and of the persons in charge of the processing is available at the registered office of the Data Controller in via G. Borghisani, 4 - 26035 Pieve San Giacomo (CR).

12. Cookie policy
Furthermore, the Site uses cookies. Below you will find more information about cookies, how they are used on the site and which control procedures we adopt with respect to the cookies themselves. By continuing to browse the site, after reading our banner, you consent to the use of cookies, in accordance with this statement. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, please disable them by following the instructions below.

What are cookies?
Cookies consist of small text files that are saved on your electronic device (PC, tablet, etc.) while browsing a website and that provide certain information ("Cookies"). Cookies are then sent back to the original website during each subsequent navigation, or they are sent to a different website that is able to recognize that specific Cookie. Cookies act as a memory for a website, allowing the website to recognize your device each time you visit that website. Cookies also allow you to store your browsing preferences by offering you a more functional experience of the Site, and making the content of the Site as personalized as possible.

Web browsers allow you to exercise some control over cookies through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block Cookies or block Cookies on certain sites. Browsers can also help you to delete cookies when you close the browser. However, you should keep in mind that this could mean that any opt-out or preference you have set on the site will be lost. Please refer to the technical information on your browser for instructions. If you choose to disable Cookies or refuse to accept a Cookie, some parts of the service may not function properly or may be significantly slower.

Types of cookies
Cookies can be technical, analytical and profiling.

The Site uses technical "session" cookies and persistent ones such as LiveChat. Moreover, the site uses the following analytical cookies set by third-party providers:

  • Google Analytics
  • Webtrends

The Site does not use profiling cookies.

The technical cookies used by our site are used to make possible and facilitate your browsing and to provide and allow you to use the services of the Site.

Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way you use the site (e.g. the number of accesses and pages viewed), for statistical purposes and to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation.

The provision of data is optional. However, please note that the refusal/deactivation of cookies may prevent you from using some features of the Site.

How to control and remove cookies
You can authorize the use of cookies by continuing to browse the Site, after reading the Banner and clicking OK for acceptance. You may not authorize the use of cookies or otherwise disable them at any time by manually changing the configuration of your browser and following the instructions contained in the cookie management policies. 

How to disable cookies
The provision of data is optional. However, please note that the refusal/deactivation of cookies may prevent you from using some features of the site.

If you are using a web browser that is not listed above, please refer to your web browser's documentation or online help for more information. We inform users that the data controller acts as a mere technical intermediary for the links contained in this document and cannot assume any liability in case of any amendment.

You can find more information about cookies, including how you can understand what cookies have been set on your device and how you can manage and delete them, by accessing the following link:

Last update
Pieve San Giacomo, 8/30/2018