Organizational Model for management and control
Euromisure S.a.s. di Wika Italia S.r.l. has adopted its own Organizational Model for management and control pursuant to the Law n. 231/01.
The adoption of an Organizational Model and of a Code of Ethics, beyond the legislative requirements, constitutes a valid tool for governance and company management, aimed to minimize and, as far as possible, eliminate the risk of commission of crimes, in particular those relevant for the Law n. 231/01, in the interest or to the advantage of the company.
Any official report to the appointed Supervisory Body, including those by third Parties, can be addressed to the following e-mail box, accessible only by the members of the Body itself:
The Organizational Model adopted by Euromisure S.a.s. di Wika Italia S.r.l. can be consulted in this section, limited to its General Part.